Netanyahu “Spits in Biden’s Face”…Israel Doesn’t Need America!!!…VIDEO

A Rotten Deal

Israel didn’t just spit in Joe Biden’s face last week. It jeopardized America’s willingness to protect it from Iran.

By Aluf Benn | Newsweek Web Exclusive

Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel last week was rightly hailed as a catastrophe—but not because of settlements. After a tense year in which Washington had failed to stop Prime Minister Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu from settling more occupied land, Biden had come to shore up the relationship. Instead, officials in Netanyahu’s government caught both men off guard by announcing plans to build more in contested East Jerusalem. True, that was a snafu. But the real disaster was what it may cost Israel. Biden had come to offer not just friendship, but support (and protection) against Iran—Israel’s greatest bogeyman—in exchange for a few concessions from Netanyahu. Instead, he got a finger in the eye.

When President Barack Obama and Netanyahu took office last year, consensus opinion expected a confrontation between the United States and Israel. It was almost a no-brainer—America was moving left as Israel was moving right. Obama’s grand design for a new, peaceful, and pro-American Middle East (featuring a new Palestinian state) stood in stark contrast to Netanyahu’s long-held support for Israel’s control of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. But Netanyahu thought that if he tacked between his rightwing coalition—committed to expanding settlements in the West Bank and moving more Jews into East Jerusalem—and Obama’s desire for peace talks, he could keep U.S. support against Iran and even start from scratch with the Palestinians. And until last week, Netanyahu seemed to pulling it off: he got indirect talks with the Palestinians in return for a limited and temporary settlement freeze that excludes East Jerusalem. His coalition survived intact. And his public popularity skyrocketed to 50 percent in February—which Israelis knew only in the Ariel Sharon period (while Obama’s approval ratings plummeted).

Then Biden came to town. On the face of it, this was just about assuring Israelis, directly and in their own country, about America’s love and support. It seemed like good politics in a tough election season back home, and Biden was a natural choice as messenger: alone in the high echelon of the Obama administration, the veep—an old-line Zionist—has come to consider “Bibi” as a close personal friend over a three-decade acquaintance. If anybody could reach out to Netanyahu, it was the former senator from Delaware.

Biden’s trip had a deeper motive, though. He was there to offer Israel a deal: we’ll support you on Iran—keeping “all options on the table”—in return for Israeli flexibility in the West Bank. Obama would continue flogging sanctions relentlessly (he had made some of his own concessions to obtain sanctions support from allies) and refuse to discount the possibility of force. Or, in Biden’s more diplomatic lingo during a speech at Tel Aviv University: “We are determined to keep the pressure on Iran so that it will change its course. And as we do, we will also be seeking to improve relations between the Israelis and Palestinians. They are connected indirectly, but there is a relationship.”

The settlements-for-Natanz idea (a reference to Iran’s uranium-enrichment facility) has been around for a while. And it makes good sense: if Israel views Iran’s would-be nukes as the gravest existential threat ever, and if Israel needs American support in confronting the threat, then it should give America something in return. That logic is how Netanyahu got his right-wing political partners to agree on a partial settlement freeze in November—against their beliefs. The freeze coincided with an upgrade in American-Israeli security cooperation. Biden simply made the linkage more explicit.

This is not a new idea. Time and again, Israel has traded peace concessions for security support. It started in 1949, when President Truman demanded a halt of the Israeli invasion of Egypt, in exchange for the armistice talks, which embedded Israel into the Middle East. It moved on with Israel’s Sinai withdrawal—after the 1956 war—in return for security guarantees from the Eisenhower administration. In 1974, Israel disengaged from Egypt and Syria in return for the American resupply airlift during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The most recent agreement began after the first Gulf War in 1991, when Israel agreed at the Madrid Peace Conference to a comprehensive land-for-peace process in return for American deployment of antimissile batteries during the war. The idea of foregoing the settlements for protection from Iran—as Biden was suggesting—is just an extension of that understanding.

But with the settlement announcement timed to embarrass Biden, Israel seemed to be casting aside that deal. For Obama and his inner circle, it brought back memories of Bibi’s first term, during the Clinton years, when he appeared as an untrustworthy spoiler of peace, despite commitments from his predecessor. So the president decided on a showdown. As Biden’s plane left the Israeli airspace, Washington launched a multichannel diplomatic offensive: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton chewed out Netanyahu by phone and made the conversation public so he couldn’t brush it aside, and top aides like David Axelrod flooded the Sunday talk shows to decry the “affront.” The idea was to shame Israel into accepting Biden’s bargain.

Thing is, it’s not working. Netanyahu apologized for the “bad timing” of the housing announcement, but he vowed to keep building in East Jerusalem. Knowing that concessions in the disputed city could bring down the Israeli coalition, Obama was asking Netanyahu to choose between American support or his right-wing political partners.

And Netanyahu turned right. He rallied American Jewish groups against the administration’s “dressing down,” anticipating a warm welcome at the AIPAC annual conference next week in Washington. His ambassador in Washington called the crisis “the worst in American-Israeli relations since 1975,” when then–secretary of state Henry Kissinger announced a “reassessment” of the relationship. And even Netanyahu’s key coalition member from the center-left, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, backed the prime minister, securing the prime minister’s political position at home.

So now it’s down to a high-stakes test of wills: will Netanyahu, following his show of partisanship, concede on settlement building—or will Obama back down under the pro-Israel-lobby pressure? Isolating Israel could push it to attack Iran’s nuclear plants. But caving to Israel could strengthen anti-American feelings throughout the Middle East. It’s not clear who will blink first, but it’s obvious that, where once there was an understanding, today there is only a contest.

Benn is the editor-at-large of Haaretz.

“CODE RED” Anti-Health Care Rally…Kill The Bill!!! “Must Be Racists”…VIDEO…PHOTOS

Tea Partiers Rally on Capitol Hill in Opposition to Health Care Bill

Thousands of Tea Party activists are expected to rally outside Democratic congressional offices in Washington on Tuesday to protest the $875 billion health care bill and demand meetings with their respective members of Congress.

Tea Party activists from across the country rallied outside Democratic congressional offices in Washington on Tuesday to protest the $875 billion health care bill and demand meetings with their respective members of Congress.

And by all appearances, their arrival is not being taken lightly.

House Democrats received a formal memo from the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, listing tips for how targeted representatives should handle the crowds of activists.

“Tens of thousands of conservative and Tea Party activists will be on the Hill as part of what they are dubbing a ‘Surge Against Obamacare,'” reads the memo, which also includes a checklist of provisions in the current bill to counter the “caricature of the reform bill presented by right-wing media outlets.”

The checklist says: “Reduces the deficit; Cracks down on Medicare waste, fraud, and abuse; Provides historic tax credit for small businesses and individuals to purchase health insurance.”

The rally, dubbed the “Code Red Health Care Rally,” featured a host of Republican speakers, including Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind.; Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Tom Price, R-Georgia; and Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

“Kill the bill,” shouted protesters, as a string of Tea Party leaders spoke out against the massive health care overhaul.

Two separate groups affiliated with the Tea Party movement, Freedom Works and the Tea Party Patriots, told Fox News they had expected a large Pennsylvania contingent to be present at the rally. The office of Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pa., who voted against the health care legislation last fall, was named as a popular destination for protesters.

Altmire, a pro-life Democrat, told Fox News in an interview Tuesday that he remains concerned about the cost of the bill as well as its current language on abortion.

“There’s definitely a lot of anxiety about this bill,” said Altmire. “I’m not gonna cast a vote that my constituents are not comfortable with.”

Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative political advocacy group, attributes the Tea Party’s organized push to kill the legislation as reason for its hold-up.

“I think that the Tea Party movement and activists and rallies like today are the reason this bill isn’t already passed,” said Phillips, who was a featured speaker at the protest.

“They’re trying to cram this 2,000-page bill down the throat of the American people,” Phillips said of the legislation, suggesting that “individual snapshot reforms” are a more viable approach to a health care overhaul.

Fox News’ Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

Erin Andrews’ Peep Hole (Real VIDEO)…ESPN’s Andrews’ Video Stalker Gets 2½ Years…PHOTOS

Erin Andrews’ Video Voyeur gets 2½ years

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A Chicago insurance salesman was sentenced to 30 months in prison on Monday for making nude videos through hotel peepholes of television sports reporter Erin Andrews and posting them on the Internet.

Michael Barrett, 48, had pleaded guilty to stalking Andrews over an 18-month period and removing the peepholes from the doors of at least three different hotel rooms to shoot video of her naked on his mobile phone.

After a celebrity web site turned down buying the videos, Barrett posted 10 of them on the Internet, identifying the ESPN reporter as the victim.

Barrett was sentenced by a federal judge in Los Angeles on Monday and ordered to pay Andrews $7,366 in restitution.

Andrews, 31, told Monday’s sentencing hearing that she still suffers fear, anxiety and public humiliation as a result of having been stalked.

“I’m being victimized every day…and I did nothing to deserve it,” Andrews said, adding the videos will likely always be on the Internet.

“I’m living public humiliation. It’s my body that’s on the Internet…He stalked me, he terrorized me — this will never be over for me, and I don’t want it to ever be over for you,” she said, looking at Barrett.

Barrett apologized, saying; “I have no words to adequately tell Miss Andrews how sorry I am for what I’ve done to her. I hope that one day she will forgive me.”

At least 16 other women were victimized by Barrett in the same way, according to court papers. Their names were not revealed but the court papers described them as “female sports reporters and other television personalities.”

Andrews, who was voted America’s “sexiest sportscaster” by Playboy magazine in 2007 and 2008, will be one of the celebrity contestants in the upcoming season of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars”, starting on March 22.

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant)


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