InfoWarrior Alex Jones Schools Obama’s Terrorist Professor Bill Ayers (VIDEO)

Ct Patriot: I just love seeing these socialist, whom think they are so far superior to us common folk. I just love seeing them struggle to answer any real world questions without their liberal hyperbole. Good job by Alex Jones for getting this interview and not throwing softballs at this terrorist and murderer Bill Ayers friend of Barry.


Alex Jones Debates Bill Ayers

Jones clashes with Weather Underground founder


January 21, 2015

thooooooAlex Jones welcomes avowed socialist and founder of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers, to the show and debates him about his past and who he really represents.


Ayers and Obama: What the Media Hid

by John Sexton

4 Jun 2012

Obama’s connection to Bill Ayers, like his connection to Jeremiah Wright, briefly became a campaign issue in 2008. The Obama campaign was quick to distance the candidate from the 60’s domestic terrorist, even as blogs continued to dig up evidence connecting the two men.pppkpkp Eventually the issue became enough of a story that, on October 3rd, the NY Times weighed with a piece titled “Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths” by author Scott Shane. Looking back it’s clear that the Times’ story downplayed or overlooked some significant connections between the two men, connections which may have raised red flags for some voters.

According to Bill Ayers’ next door neighbor, Senator Barack Obama was a guest at a 4th of July party Ayers hosted in 2005. The date is significant because it effectively undercuts the claim, made by the Obama campaign during the 2008 election cycle, that Obama and Ayers were merely acquaintances who had only crossed paths a few times since 2000. Obama’s attendance at the party suggests they were friends.

Scott Shane clearly didn’t know about the 2005 party. Indeed, he writes near the end of his piece “Since 2002, there is little public evidence of their relationship.” But it now appears Shane was intentionally misled by Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt who he quotes as follows:

“The suggestion that Ayers was a political adviser to Obama or someone who shaped his political views is patently false,” said Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman. Mr. LaBolt said the men first met in 1995 through the education project, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and have encountered each other occasionally in public life or in the neighborhood. He said they have not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Mr. Obama began serving in the United States Senate in January 2005 and last met more than a year ago when they bumped into each other on the street in Hyde Park.

for full article click here please


NEW VIDEO: Ufc and Fear Factor’s Joe Rogan Sh*ts On the New World Order!

Ct Patriot: I’ve long been a fan of Joe Rogan and his comedy. From years back on the Opie and Anthony radio show, Fear factor and his occasional appearances on the Alex Jones Show. Right up til now and his UFC work. But I will say it’s refreshing to see a “star” open up and talk about something other than the mainstream pablum of deception. Now Not saying i agree with anyone a hundred percent. But Opinions need to get out there .


images (1)Getting off the grid and how he woke up


AUGUST 25, 2014

Exclusive Interview: Joe Rogan sat down with Alex Jones to talk

about Obama, getting off the grid and how he woke up. filmed in Austin TX

backstage at the Capital City Comedy Club.


Exclusive Interview: Joe Rogan

images (2)Do you also believe in the existence of the Illuminati, like your friend and jiu-jitsu teacher Eddie Bravo?
Well, what does that really mean? Do I believe that there’s a secret handshake that some of the top senators and bankers engage in? No, not in that sense. But I think it’s pretty obvious that the world is being controlled by the people with all the money, and that’s always been the case. I wrote a blog post after “Fight for the Troops,” about how when we were over there we got to talk to all these guys who were missing hands and shit, and these kids who thought they were over there doing a great service to the world by being a part of this invasion of some foreign country that never did anything to us. Their motives were entirely pure but they were being led. I completely support soldiers, but they have no idea what the fuck is going on, why they’re going to certain countries, why they’re taking orders — they’re just doing what they’re supposed to be doing. They’re being soldiers, they’re following orders.

There’s a guy named Major Smedley Butler, who was the commander of the United States Marine Corps, and he wrote a speech in 1933 called War Is a Racket, which is fascinating if you read it in 2009. Because in 1933 this guy was talking about how when he was going to all these different places in the name of liberty and justice, really what he was doing was clearing the area for oil companies and making the area safe for bankers, and that basically war is just a means that the elite use to control the rest of the world. They go in and clear areas out so they can profit from them. And that’s been the case since the beginning of time. War is about profit and controlling resources. So do I believe in the Illuminati in that sense? Yes, I do. I do believe that wars are created for profit. And they always have been. And there’s evidence, these aren’t just speculations.

download (1)If you look at just this country over the last 50-60 years, in 1961 there was a document that was released called the Northwoods Document, which became available in the Freedom of Information act fairly recently, and this document was signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff but was vetoed by Kennedy, and it was basically a plan to attack American civilians and to make it look like Cubans were doing it, in order to generate enthusiasm for a war against Cuba. It’s a false flag attack on Americans. They had plans to blow up an American jetliner, attack college students, all this shit just to get people to be enthusiastic about a war with Cuba. And the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the reason why we got into Vietnam — which never happened. It was a fake attack, it was another false flag incident, another incident of the people in charge conspiring to create an excuse to go to war. So it that sense, the elite controlling the world, that’s fucking real.

Exclusive Interview: Joe Rogan Full interview…



La Raza To Start Government Sponsored Race War

by INFOWARS.COM | JULY 12, 2014

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