The Jeb Bush Deception CPAC 2016: Globalist Elite Like Dad, G.W. And Hillary Clinton (Crushing Videos)

Fotor01016224251Ct Patriot: Bush 4 years, Clinton 8 years, Bush 8 years, Barry the dictator 8 years, ( C’mon Impeachment ) and now after 28 years of these NWO pawns. We get blessed to vote for either a Bush or Clinton again? Your not serious right? I am sure I cannot be the only one who thinks this is insane? Alright lets pretend for a minute our votes actually count when we go into the electronic voting machines. So it is the year 2016 and after 8 long hard years of Barack Insane Obama as Dictator we are going to be in really really bad shape as a nation. Oh yeah, much worse than today if you can fathom that. And we the people are going to be saved by Hillary Clinton? Jeb Bush? Why not the devil himself.

download (11)These are two of the same cloth. Bush and Clinton, two political dynasties, two “royal” families. Yet let us be candid these are some of the most vile, corrupt, power hungry and down right evil families on the planet. How many wars, arab springs, Benghazis, deaths and murders do we really need? Clinton and Bush the gift that keeps on giving, but like an STD no sane person wants them. See what we have here is a rigged game. Our world is run a lot like the WWE, yep professional wrestling. We have two sides who pretend to hate each other but in the end are images (22)working together to put one over one us all while both sides are being controlled from behind the scenes. So Jeb can be Hulk Hogan and Hillary can be Rick Flair and pretend to wrestle over the concern about us common folk. But all the while they are on the same team, with the same goal. To just like the WWE make us believe its real. And it seems most of us eat it right up.

As for Jeb Bush he is just another fake. And Hillary is just evil incarnate. so let’s pray that none of the above is our next President.

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Jeb Bush Inspires CPAC Walkout

Racists from Chicago’s Southside Say Obama is the “Worst President Ever Elected!!!”

Racists from Chicago’s Southside Say Obama is the “Worst President Ever Elected!!!”…. OK NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY…


Chicago-Southside Residents Go Off on Obama over Amnesty: “Worst President Ever Elected”

 july 12, 2014

“Racist” lol goes off on Obama!

On Friday evening residents from Chicago’s Southside held a protest in front of the Chicago Police Department against the intolerable violence plaguing their communities and sounded off on President Obama for paying favor to illegal aliens crossing the southern border. Residents also called for the resignation of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy for their failure to effectively handle the city’s violence epidemic.

The president’s handling of the illegal invasion in Texas prompted residents to call him out for ignoring the current state of Chicago, where 120 people have been shot and at least 26 killed so far this July.

“Barack will go down as the worth president ever elected, Bill Clinton was the African-American President,” one resident said, in response to the president’s performance on the job, “President Barack needs to pay attention to Chicago, if he can not pay attention to Chicago and the African-American community, he needs to resign.”



Sexual Assaults Skyrocket in Chicago? 

Ctpatriot1970:  Doesn’t this bother you all?  And they want to take away all the guns?  and whos gonna protect us? them?  yeah ok right.

Why Does Obama Hate Black People?

Okay, so Barack Obama isn’t the only Progressive Black Leader who hates Black people, but he’s their current would-be King – and his policies are designed to keep the rest of the American Black citizenry under his thumb. Sure, he has his favorite Blacks, other Progressive Elites who look just like him, slick in a suit and presentable, as Joe Biden once remarked. And each one of those has a vested interest in keeping other members of their race down and out.

For instance, there’s Attorney General Eric Holder, who sues states that try to help Blacks climb out of poverty via education opportunities, and is certain that Blacks are incapable of getting proper ID.

And Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who taught Obama the theory of Black Liberation Theology – a great weapon for ginning up unfounded racial tension.

And let’s not forget Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Touré Neblett, Melissa Harris-Perry, and the entire board of the NAACP, as well as the membership of The Congressional Black Caucus – all of whom have a vested economic interest in keeping things clearly separated between Blacks and Whites.

Yes, there are other Progressive Black Elitists who hate their own race… But today, let’s focus on their dear leader.

 Barack Obama has done several things as President to keep Blacks on the Democrat plantation.

Ctpatriot1970: so what do yo think about this?  still for that hope and change crap? I never fell for any of his bs.


(REAL VIDEO) Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory: Watergate Burglar E. Howard Hunt’s Deathbed JFK Confession…Bush 41 Involved?

Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession

TruTV will air the first TV program to put forward admissions from those involved, and probe deep into the proofs of a conspiracy

UPDATE: Former Gov. Jesse Ventura will appear on the Alex Jones Show live today at 11 AM CENTRAL to discuss the JFK Assassination episode of Conspiracy Theory (PREMIERES FRI, NOV. 19 AT 10 PM / 9 CENTRAL).

Aaron Dykes
November 19, 2010

In the next episode of the hard-hitting second season of Conspiracy Theory, former Governor Jesse Ventura will take on what he has long regarded as the most significant event of his generation and the 60s era– the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The program will air this Friday, Nov. 19 at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST, just days before the 47th anniversary of the iconic president’s death. But TruTV will air more than just memories and heated debate about the grassy knoll. For the first time ever on television, viewers will witness, at last, a confession in one of the most-controversial murders in all of history.

A “major figure” ( E. Howard Hunt) from recent U.S. history admits to involvement in the plot in an audio tape that will blow audiences away. The source names names, and Lee Harvey Oswald isn’t on the list. According to the show’s producers, Ventura’s team has even established new evidence that suggests the individuals allegedly involved in the assassination have powerful ties that even go as high as former President and former CIA director George H. W. Bush. Is this the key at last to why the media has been so reluctant to admit that someone else was shooting at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963?

Ventura qualified as an expert shot while in naval special forces training, and qualified again as an expert during his term as Governor in Minnesota, yet he could not duplicate the time and accuracy of Oswald’s fateful shots.

In the course of the episode, Jesse Ventura, a former Navy SEAL and Underwater Demolitions expert, attempts to recreate Oswald’s alleged shooting that day. He tracked down the exact make and model, as well as ammunition stock that the Warren Commission claims Oswald used. But despite the fact that Ventura qualified as an expert shot while in naval special forces training, and qualified again as an expert during his term as Governor in Minnesota, he could not duplicate the time and accuracy of Oswald’s fateful shots. Yet Lee Harvey Oswald only qualified as a “marksman,” two grades lower than Ventura. (Witnesses who shot with Oswald have said for years that he had “Maggie’s drawers”—that he frequently missed the target and generally did not meet the high standards of a serviceman.)

ALSO…JFK Deathbed Confession: The Famous Bush Photo, FBI Document Bush Was on His Way to Dallas

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JFK Assassination Deathbed Confession, posted with vodpod
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