Civil Rights To Civil War! Proof Nazi Billionaire Soro’s Financing Obama’s Race War 2015. (VIDEOS)

Fotor01016224251Ct Patriot: The Race War our divider in chief has so desired is finally upon us America. Now do not get all emotional and think that Obama gives a flying you know what about black or white people. This is the way to divide and conquer the sheeple who blindly follow what they are told to follow. Barack Obama or whatever his real name is today is a educated in black liberation theology courtesy of his pastor Jeremiah Wright. These are the teachings of Marcus Garvey which today you most commonly see in the Nation of Islam or The Black Panthers with variations on Garvey’s teachings. Neither of which it seems looks favorably on the white race. But It cannot be racist because, they are black. We all know only whites can be racist.

Now do not get me wrong here, I do not believe Barack Obama to be a strict follower of anything. Not BLO, not Islam, Not of anything. Why? Because I believe Obama thinks himself above such human things being the Mahdi. But I totally believe he will use any weapon to advance his reign of terror on America. Islam, Race War, Natural Disasters, Russia, Syria, and anything else that can be used to help him stay in office after his second term is up. Anything…

images (5)And that brings us to the pimp. The Bankroller of the socialist destruction of America, it is his dream by his own admission. That and his Happiest days were when he was helping the Nazi’s round up Hungarian Jews to be killed. This George Soro’s is not only one of Obama’s biggest financial backers behind the scenes but he also likes to destroy nations currency and is a big funder of the unrest in the Eukraine. Which one of you girl’s want a date with this creepy billionaire psychopath? Let me ask you all? Is it legal for a foreigner with tons of cash who want’s to see America destroyed to be able to have so much influence on a “Free” people? Maybe it is just me but that is lunacy!

Whats happens next America? do we fall for this contrived race-civil war?  do we fight brother vs. brother again? Do we spill more innocent blood while Obama and the Soro’s of the world sit download (8)back and watch with glee?  like in the Godfather  ” Let them kill themselves like the savages they are.” They sit back and count money while we die en masse in the streets then swept up like so much street trash. Who wins that way? They do. This country is falling for everything they feed us, like mice to the trap we follow. With the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton, The Black Panthers, and of course good ole Luis Farrakhan aka Louis X from Boston calling for the killing of white police in vague rhetoric or outright saying it. I just wonder how long white “guilt” will keep white America silent on this.  Oh and lets ask Louis Farrakhan what happened when he advocated the death of Malcom X after Malcom turned on the Nation of Islam?  Another hypocrite race pimp.

So what do we do next America? Do we give Obama his Race War? so he can live his dream of being the new Lincoln? (Lincoln was a Dictator like Obama) Do we let Soro’s Destroy us?

Or do we Fight For Freedom?

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George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists

– The Washington Times – Wednesday, January 14, 2015

download (4)There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.

Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

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Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests

  • Hedge fund mogul’s Open Society Foundations made huge donations
  • Organizers bussed in from New York and D.C. to take over campaigning
  • Different cash recipients would repeat each others’ messages
  • Helped to keep events and messages at the top of news agenda
  • Soros cash, from speculating on markets, is given to many liberal causes

download (2)Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.

The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.

Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.

The flood of donations were uncovered in an analysis of the latest tax return by Soros’s Open Society Foundations by the Washington Times.

The cash was reportedly funneled into keeping up numbers of protesters in the community over a period of months by bringing in outside activists.

images (1)Meanwhile papers from think tanks were disseminated to bring in extra coverage of the civil unrest, also linked to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Outlets which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has funded.

The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online ‘echo chamber’, by using their extensive social media presences to ‘like’, repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view.

The director of Soros’s fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they are all trying to improve accountability.

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Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson

Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis… has no regrets

imagesGeorge Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.

But that’s just my take on the man. Based exclusively on his own words.

Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself.

And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None.

This is the face of pure evil… and with whom the Democrat party has aligned itself.

H/t to reader Larry, via Weasel Zippers, George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property…: — viaOttawa Sun, Billionaire George Soros has made a living wrecking the lives of others. Now he wants to mess with Canadians:

(Ezra Levant)- George Schwartz was born in Hungary in 1930 — not the luckiest time and place to be born a Jew.

George’s father Theodore tried to change the family’s fortunes by changing their name to something less Jewish-sounding. It didn’t help. And soon war came.

soros-nazi-moveon1When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

for the full article click here please


Not one individual banking executive indicted in currency manipulation scam


Five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the exchange rates of U.S. dollars and euros. The banks were Citicorp, J.P. Morgan Chase, Barclays, Bank of America, and the Royal Bank of Scotland. A sixth bank, UBS Group, agreed to plead guilty to manipulating interest rates after the Justice Department granted it immunity on the exchange rate criminal charges. The banks will pay an estimated $5.8 billion in fines to the United States. However, only corporations were charged criminally. Not one individual banking executive was indicted in the currency manipulation scam.

download (3)The reason for no personal indictments is simple. George Soros, the man who opened up his checkbook in 2008 and 2012 for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and is estimated to have poured millions of dollars into Obama’s coffers, made his hundreds of billions of dollars primarily from the same type of international currency manipulation that landed the five banks into trouble. Had Attorney General Loretta Lynch sought indictments against banking executives, any defense lawyer worth his or her salt would have brought up the fact that Soros, Obama’s «money bags», had evaded prosecution for the very same crimes for decades. The cries of uneven application of the law would have been shouted from defense tables at U.S. court houses around the United States.

images (2)Soros’s currency manipulation scheming saw its heyday during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. It was during a time when Soros’s friend, Bill Clinton, occupied the White House. Although Soros’s currency exchange scams rocked stock exchanges around the Pacific Rim, there was no attempt by Clinton’s Justice Department to indict Soros, an emigré from Hungary, to justice. One of the worst-hit countries from Soros’s currency manipulation was Malaysia, which saw its ringgit plummet in value. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed thundered that Soros was part of an international Jewish bankers’ conspiracy to attack the Malaysian economy. Mohamed said, «We do not want to say that this is a plot by the Jews, but in reality it is a Jew who triggered the currency plunge, and coincidentally Soros is a Jew.» Mohamed was condemned for «anti-Semitic» remarks but he was not the only leader to charge Soros with the very same currency speculation that recently landed the «Big 6» banks into criminal trouble. Soros’s short-selling the Thai baht resulted in the government of Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh calling Soros an «economic war criminal.»

for full article click here please

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